Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Christmas Post

So it was an eventful Christmas in our house this past weekend. After weeks of shopping and making sure the perfect gifts were purchased, the gifts were opened and enjoyed by all, as far as I can tell anyway. My own personal Mr. Wonderful got me some Skull Candy headphones so I can listen to music at work (and beyond) without interruption. They have skulls on the earpieces, so people know not to mess with me! They're big and comfy and the sound quality is fantastic. I couldn't be more pleased. These were a big surprise, and it was a great one!

Another item gifted to me by Adam was a Wacom Bamboo tablet so that I could start drawing/cartooning/web-comicking. It is quite spectacular, but will take some getting used to. I played with it for a short time last night and it was not as easy as it looks! But with a little time and effort, I think I will get the hang of it and you all will be chuckling and/or admiring my comics/drawings in no time.

Summer and I both received Carnival (cruise line) robes from Adam as well. Very comfy and luxurious. I could stay wrapped up in it all day. He is pretty wonderful, and never disappoints when it comes to gifting. He's very good at it.

Carisma had a wonderful Christmas, and received a lot of great gifts. She got a Magic 8-Ball that she claims is "never wrong!" and has been running around with it everywhere we've gone since she opened it. We also got her a thing that hooks up to the computer and mixes music/beats, called a Discovery DJ by ion. It seems kind of com-
plicated, but I am certain she can get it figured out and be DJ Jewely Jewel in no time. She received some art sets from out-of-town grandparents, and those were a big hit as well. Now with so much for her to occupy herself, I wonder if I will hear about how bored she is again for a while. In-town grandparents got her a sweatshirt that has earbuds built in for her mp3 player, and she looks adorable in it for sure, it goes to almost her knees. So it'll fit for a while. :)

I got Adam a digital photo frame that he can use in his office, to display pictures but not have hundreds of frames or snapshots sitting around. I also got him a robe, but didn't know that you could order them from Carnival (I tried, but I guess not very hard because I couldn't figure out how to do it without ordering it to be delivered on ship!) so he got a very plushy dark gray one from a nearby red and white retail giant :) . And also, he wanted some things to soup up the PS3 controllers, so I hooked that up as well.

All in all, it was a great Christmas. I look forward to another great year with my family. In just a few weeks I get to send off my Nursing Program application, and then it will be more waiting! We're going to start P90X again pretty soon, so that when we go on vacation (that will happen this year - must must must happen this year!!) we will all look tip-top. Or not like monsters. Whichever.

Cheers to all, hope your Christmas/Festivus/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah was great! Have a Happy New Year!

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