Sunday, January 23, 2011

Falling Off the Wagon Hurts

I have skipped two days of workouts. My back is killing me. I suspect the two are related. When I am working out I feel more limber and spry, and right now all I can feel is pain from my ribcage to my knees, radiating out from my lower back. See, this is what happens when you fall of the wagon. My body is totally like, "Eff You."

I clocked in to work early this morning so I could have time later to do the workout I skipped doing with Adam & Summer last night. I was mostly asleep at 10pm when they were ready to do it, and knowing I had to work today, decided not to get up and exercise since that would eat up the next 2 hours or so, an hour for working out and an hour for showering/winding down. So I just slept. I wish I had gotten up and just done it.

I'm going to do Shoulders & Arms after work, and then hopefully Yoga later on this evening. I must get back in the swing of things or I will feel and look like this forever, and that's just not an option for me anymore.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Wouldn't Say That Was Easy...

Today marks day 8/90 of our P90X workout regimen. While Adam is away on business and making due with hotel fitness equipment, Summer and I are keeping it going here at home. Since its the start of week 2, we just do the same workouts we just did per day for last week. The switch-up happens in week 4. So we did Chest & Back again tonight, Plyometrics tomorrow. And you know what?


Now its important to note that by "killed it" i mean that we both improved from last week. We by no means did as much as the psychos in the video. But we are proud of us right now. We didnt wear out as fast as last time, and we both did more repititions than we could do at the beginning. I feel a lot better and i am starting to feel a tiny bit more fit.

But there's somewhat discouraging news, too. I have lost ONE pound. Just... one. And that hardly counts as a person's weight fluctuates by 2 or 3 pounds each day. I know that i didnt pack this weight on in one week, and i know it will take a while to see the results I'm looking for. While I presently don't see the results, i can feel them. This is as much about health and well-being to me as it is about looking great (or gosh, even good) in a bathing suit, or even just a pair of shorts. So i am not going to focus on the weight loss, it will come with time. It's only been a week. I am not going to stress about that piece.

So I'm pretty proud of us right now for keeping our game faces on. It is not easy, but its totally worth it.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And So It Begins

This morning, all adults in the house were up by 5:30am and began the rigorous P90X workout routine we've all been saying we were going to start for the past few weeks now. We came downstairs to the freezing cold basement and began the routine that we will be sticking with for a minimum of the next 90 days. I assume that I will have to do at least 2 cycles to get to where I want to be, but for now I am just focusing on this batch of 90 days.

Today, we did Chest & Back. It was comprised mostly of pull ups, push-ups, and a few hand-weight lifting maneuvers, all with many variations to fill up the hour or so we were working out.

I've tried this workout routine before, and I know that it works. But only if I do the work. I haven't ever completed more than I think 3 or so weeks of it, but in that time, I went from laughing at the prospect of me being able to do a push-up, to doing about 8 or 9 push-ups, not on my knees, in less than 3 weeks. I had never been able to do one before, even when I was a fairly fit teenager. At present, I can't do one fully, I have to use my knees. But I know I'll get there.
I've been so lazy and complacent over the past weeks, months, years, etc., that I forget the feeling you get from doing a great workout. Even when your body hurts and you feel like you can't move, it hurts your diaphragm to breathe, it still feels strangely good. You're welcome, body.

I'm looking very forward to posting a transformation video after the next 90 days are up. Watching others that I have found are very motivational, they're mostly people just like you and me who have found themselves larger, slower, and lazier than they would like to be, and decided to make a positive change. All of the results are so amazing, I can't wait to have a tummy I can be proud of again. I haven't been since I was 18. That's a long long LONG time to be ashamed of yourself.

I've put on close to 30 lbs since I started my Corporate America job almost 4 years ago, if not more. Sitting at a desk, vending machines nearby, cafeteria food that, while mostly tasty, is surely cooked in loads of fat and buttery goodness, has contributed to my poor health. But at the same time, I let this happen to me, by not taking the stairs when I could have, by opting for a Snickers rather than a NutriGrain bar, soda over water or tea, and a myriad of other easy and simple solutions to ward off the big weight gain. I cannot continue on the track I am on, I have to make the change. No one can do this for me. Hard work is something I have eschewed for a number of years, always opting for the easiest and fastest way right now, without looking at how it will affect my whole future. This is something I struggle with on a daily basis, whether it be regarding health, weight, school, work, etc. I'm done with that now and I'm ready to get down to business. I'm not getting any younger, and this will only get harder as I get older.

I'm ready for the challenge. I know that I can do this. I will succeed. I will be healthier, stronger, skinnier, faster, and better for it. I plan to post weekly updates on my progress, just for extra self-motivation. If people know I'm doing it, this will be more difficult to quit. And I don't want to quit. Hurdle 1 was just getting started. Now that hurdle has been surpassed, the next hurdle - and it's a big one - is to keep pushing play, keep doing it every day until I have reached my goals.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Everything Is Awesome

This weekend was awesome. It wasn't exciting, thrilling, exhilarating, or enthralling, but, it was awesome. Let me tell you why.

For those of you who have never watched a TED talk, stop right now and go to Pick any video and watch. Usually they run less than 20 minutes, some even less. But I've not yet seen one TED talk that I thought was not worth my time, and I've seen a fair portion of them. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, & Design. Their slogan is "Ideas Worth Spreading." And boy, are they.

So, back to why this weekend was so awesome. Adam and I spend a chunk of time each day hanging out watching videos, reading current events, etc. on the web. This weekend, we were watching a few TED talks, ranging from Dr. Jane Goodall to Ariana Huffington, and lots in between. We happened upon one talk by a fellow named Neil Pasricha, who authored the website and penned a book, "The Book of Awesome."

What he had to say was so heartfelt and amazing, that it inspired this blog post, and also inspired me to look for the awesome in the everyday. His story isn't especially unique, in that he suffered a few personal tragedies and came out on the other side a better person for it. This isn't a new theme, but for some reason his words seemed to be exactly what I needed to hear, and exactly what I need to try to remember each day in order to live my A+ life.

Bad things will happen to me. Bad things have happened to me. This will not define me.
Good things will happen to me. Good things have happened to me. And this will not define me either.

So, in support of reaching the A+ Life, I give you this gift. See the awesome in the every day. Even when it feels like the world is actually crashing around your feet (and I have been there, rest assured), you can climb out a bettered person. It won't happen overnight. It is difficult when all you can feel and think is the awful things that are going on. All you need is just a little bit of awesome, to be able see and realize it, and you can feel everything becoming okay.

Here is the video, please take the time to watch. Here's to being Awesome. And thanks to Neil for such an inspirational story.

Monday, January 3, 2011


This month will go by slowly, and so will the next. I'm sure of it.

I get to mail off my Nursing Program application on Thursday. And then I get to wait, along with somewhere between, what, 30 to 600 other applicants? The picture has never been painted very clearly for me as to how many applicants vs. how many slots filled. I hear only that it's competitive. I don't know how I measure against the rest of those ready to apply, but I feel like I deserve to be accepted. I have worked really hard so far, and I'm not afraid to work even harder. I used to be, which is why I don't currently wear scrubs to work every day now. I'm ready this time.

I am so anxious to start training. I know there will be many opportunities presented to me, some I have already considered and I'm sure there are some that I have not considered. I am open to the education of it all - I want to be the best at whatever expertise I finally choose. Some days I think being full-on in it, like surgery or on an OB floor in a hospital would be absolutely ideal. Other days I think I would be happy as the friendly school nurse in suburbia or working in a plastic surgeon's office. I know there are so many possibilities that it's kind of silly to speculate at this point, because I haven't tried any of it yet.

I am so very ready to step on to the path I've been floating around for so long. It will feel so great to have my feet on solid ground.